Our culture
Redemption Church’s mission is built upon the mission given by Jesus to His followers in Matthew 28:18:20. At Redemption we simply say that we exist to see lives changed by Jesus and Disciples made.
We believe the “aim of every Christ follower” is to know, love, and become more like Jesus. We value the following practices, worded as questions, to help us become more and more like Jesus:
Growing People Change: How did I spend time with God this week?
I Can’t Do Life Alone: Do I have a community of people who are encouraging me in my walk with Christ?
Saved People Serve People: How am I using my time and gifts to serve others?
Found People Find People: Who am I currently helping to know Jesus?
God’s People Give: Does my giving display my love for God and people?
Disciples Make Disciples: Who am I intentionally investing in to help them become more like Jesus?
Leadership Distinctives:
We’re all about Jesus.
You won’t find any dead religion, empty rituals, puffed up ego, or swagger here. We are all about Jesus and believe simplicity produces quality. We want people to know the real Jesus of the Bible and respond to his invitation to “Come & Follow”.
Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip.
Faith is a journey, and no one should walk alone. We place a high value on relationships because we believe both life and ministry are done best in healthy relationship with God and one another.
Church is a place where it’s ok to not be ok.
Everyone is welcome, but nobody is perfect. We are honest and authentic about our hurts, brokenness, and doubts, because we believe that God meets us where are and can make something beautiful out of our brokenness.
We are faith-filled, “bet the farm” risk takers.
We refuse to insult Jesus with small thinking and safe living. Both personally and as a church, we take steps of faith as we follow Jesus.
We think inside the box.
We know who we are, what God has given us and we embrace our strengths, weakness, and limitations. These things combined will inspire our greatest creativity and innovation.
We are imperfect people who bring our best.
None of us are perfect, but we believe that bringing our best honors God and inspires others. We do not “phone it in” or look for the easiest path, rather we want to make the most out of every opportunity God gives us.
We give up things we love for things we love even more.
We are passionate about the Great Commission and realize that the Church does not exist for Christians; rather we are the church and exist for the world. It is our honor to live sacrificially and give generously to Christ, His Church, and to see lives changed and disciples made.
Not by might, but by the Spirit.
We don't do anything by our own power, plans, or strength. We lead with prayer, while relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.
These are the “good old days”.
Why we do what we do will never change, but how we do it must change. We believe that God is at work in us, through us, and around us and it would be a mistake for us to treat what God is doing as ordinary. We are thankful for what God is doing today and live with expectation that the best is yet to come.