Is this a pledge or an offering? 

It’s both. Multiply is all about equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Multiply is all about taking our limited resources and putting them into the hands of our unlimited God.   As you pray and consider how to participate in Multiply, we are asking you to make a commitment above and beyond your regular giving and pledge to give that amount over the next three years. 

Where should I start if I have never given consistently before? 

We are so excited that you are considering partnering with Redemption Church through your giving.  If you have never really given before, just start somewhere.  Pick an amount or percentage of your income and trust God with your giving. 

Should my Multiply commitment be above and beyond my regular giving? 

Yes, your commitment should be above and beyond your regular tithe or giving. The Bible says in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you.  Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

What is the best way to make my commitment and offering

GIVING ONLINE is the fastest and easiest option. 

You can always give in person on a Sunday morning.  Just put your cash or check in the giving envelope and make sure you mark it for Multiplied on the giving envelope or the memo line of your check.

You can give by mail:

Redemption Church 

P.O. BOX 828

Belvidere, Il 61008

If I give online, can I still fill out and give a commitment card?

Yes!  When we turn in our Multiply Commitment Card, just write online on the form. 

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Patrick Anderson

“Belonging to Redemption Church has brought transformational power to our lives.  Redemption Church is not merely a place to gather on Sundays, but a group of Christ followers that live life with each other, encouraging and challenging each other to dive deep into our walk with God. Our church is unique, with people of all different ages, races, and backgrounds, but I feel we are truly united as one through our commitment to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. Redemption Church has helped me from being lukewarm to being on fire for Jesus. I truly thank God each day for leading my family to the doorsteps of Redemption Church.”


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The most important decision you and your family will make during the Multiply Initiative will be your own giving commitment. How do you know what God wants you to give over the next 3 years? Here are some steps to help you in your decision.

1. Don't rush your decision  

Give yourself time to hear from God.  Spend some time praying, and considering your commitment.  2 Corinthians 9:7-8 says not to give compulsively or reluctantly, but with intention and joy.  Once you consider your amount ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” Then ask, “Does this please the heart of God?”.  

2. Pray Something Like This Every Day 

“Heavenly Father, show me how to give in a way that builds my faith and honors you.  I want to trust you for a John 6 miracle, my limited resources in your hands become multiplied.”  God is way more interested in your trust in Him, than the amount you give. If you are married, pray this prayer with your spouse.  If you have children, pray this prayer with your family.  Warning: if you take this prayer seriously, God will show you how you could give more than you initially thought.  

3. Equal Giving, Not Equal Sacrifice

Giving is less about the amount and more about the heart of the giver.  In Luke 21:1-4 Jesus points out that a widow who gave less than everyone else actually gave more because of her sacrifice and faith.  Everyone in our church family does not have the same ability to give the same amount, but we do have the opportunity to make the same sacrifice.  If my gift is not a sacrifice, then it does not require faith.  David said, “ I will not sacrifice to the Lord an offering that cost me nothing.” (2 Samuel 24:24)

4. Have A Family Meeting 

If you have children, invite them to be part of your decision as a family.  This is an opportunity for them to see your faith in action and participate in what God is doing in and through the church.   Here are some promises and instructions you can read through as a family: 

Proverbs 3:9-10, Proverbs 11:24-25, Malachi 3:10-12, Luke 6:38, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 

2 Corinthians 9:6-12, Matthew 6:19-20

5. Ask These Questions As A Family

For our offering: 

* Is there anything we could sell or convert to cash? 

* Is there anything we could do to bring in some extra income for our offering? 

For our 3 year commitment:

* How can we decrease our expenses in order to be more generous? 

* Are there any expenses that we could sacrifice or hold off on? 

* Is there a way to increase our income in order to make a larger commitment?

6. Decide The Total You'll Give, Hold Hands, And Dedicate Yourselves To Growing In Faith Over The Next 3 Years! 

Pray this over your “ Multiply Initiative” commitment: 

“Father, this is a big step for us.  We’re asking You to stretch our faith, strengthen our faith, and deepen our faith through this commitment to be generous.  We realize that everything we have comes from You, so we make this commitment for 4 reasons.  First to express our gratitude for all You’ve provided for us in the past. Second, to show our desire for You to be first in our lives right now.  Third, to demonstrate our faith in Your promises to provide for us in the future as we honor You.  And finally, to show our support for our church family in making a difference for eternity. Thank You for this opportunity to grow in trusting You, and thank You for our church family.  We pray the Multiply Initiative will be a great success. In Jesus name, Amen!” 


Candy Carlson

Redemption Church is full of real and genuine people with real life problems and concerns, who love the Lord and each other! From our very first visit we felt welcomed and accepted, just as we are. 

Each week I look forward to what God wants to teach me, through Pastor Adam’s message and being blessed by the worship music led by Audrey and the worship team.  I know that I’m learning more now than I have in years.  Our son, who never felt accepted in Church, attends on a regular basis.  Pastor Adam is always willing to listen, pray, answer questions and help in any way he can. 

Redemption Church is the the church family we needed - a family that we could reach out to for help and they would be there for us.  I’m so very thankful God led us here.  When I say God led us, I mean that.  We met a kind and caring funeral director, Patrick, who told us the name of the church that he and his family attend and where they held services.  Shortly after that we received confirmation that we should visit Redemption, by way of a community mailer and knew that we should visit. 

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“Lord, what do YOU want me to do?” 


“Speak, your servant is listening .” (1 Samuel 3:10)


Calculate what you’re currently giving and think about what you could give over the next three years that is above and beyond your regular giving.


Now add God to the equation.  Ask God to stretch your faith.  Invite Him to do the supernatural in and through you by the power of the Holy Spirit. 


  • You can make your gift online or enclose your check in the envelope to give as large of an amount as you can at this time.

  • Using the giving chart on the last page, write down on your card the amount you commit, in faith, to give during the next 3 years. Don’t see your number on the chart? That is ok, any amount can be given. It’s about equal sacrifice, not equal giving.

  • Someone from our team will meet with you to collect your envelope.

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Thaddeus Mack

When our family first came to Redemption, it wasn't like stepping into a new building with new people.  We were treated like family or reuniting with old friends.  The more we came, the more opportunity there was to plug in, connect and make bonds and friendships stronger than we've ever known.  Redemption has been a place for our family to stretch and grow.  We have enjoyed that the Biblical teaching is well researched, but is not complicated by religion, that the simple truths of the Bible are still valid and easy to understand.  We have also loved that this is not just a place to meet on Sundays and live life apart the rest of the week, but truly a family to belong to.  Redemption Church has been a great blessing and we are so thankful for every opportunity we have to gather with this family.



Each of us can give far more than we think by giving it over a 3 year period. Here are some examples:

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