

May 29th, 2020

The church has never been “closed”. It can’t. The Church is the people of God, living for the glory of God, on the mission of God. Sharing hope, spreading kindness, following Jesus and His ways, standing up against injustice, caring for people, and making disciples is not limited to a Sunday morning and cannot be confined to a building. So, we don’t need to “re-open” church, because it never closed.

No matter what is happening in the world around us, our heartbeat is to be the Church right where we are, in the middle of what is happening, unified in a mission to bring hope, justice, change, redemption and peace into the darkness and brokenness of the world.

While the church has never been closed, we have has to adapt and change a few of our methods. As your Pastor, I have greatly missed being with you on Sunday mornings. As your Pastor, I am committed to both your physical and spiritual well-being. In an effort to keep everyone healthy, we moved away from Sunday morning gatherings quickly, but we believe now is the time to begin hosting Sunday Worship Gatherings, slowly, cautiously, and carefully.

Beginning, Sunday, June 7th, we will be offering an online option and an live in-person option. We do not want anyone to feel any pressure to return until they are ready. Please hear me, if you are at risk, have preexisting conditions, feel sick at all, or are just not ready to return, please stay home and use the online option.


  • We are encouraging everyone to consider the health of others, and social distancing is still encouraged. You are welcome to bring a mask and hand sanitizer.

  • If you have been sick, have had a fever, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, stay home!

  • We will continue to offer our streaming worship experience online to accommodate those who would like to continue to participate from home.

  • There will be no Kid’s Ministry at this time. Families are welcome to sit together as a family on Sunday Mornings. We will continue to make the Kid’s Ministry resources available online.

  • We have purchased pre-packaged communion supplies.

  • There will be no food or coffee served at this time. Please feel free to bring your own coffee.

  • We will not pass the offering plate, but will have a place for people to give on a Sunday morning.

  • While some are very eager to meet again, we understand that some people may be cautious about gatherings. We highly encourage people who remain at risk, have compromised immune systems, or have preexisting conditions to be both wise and safe. We will continue to offer our streaming worship experience to accommodate those who would like to continue to participate from home.


PRAY for us as a church, as we take these steps.

SERVE! If you serve on a team, please contact your Ministry Leader and let them know you are willing to serve. Greeters and ushers will be increasingly important during this time. We will also need to people to serve on Set-up, Cleaning, Sound, and AV!

BE WISE! I cannot stress this enough! The most loving thing you can do during this season (or any season) is stay home if you are not feeling well!

BE FLEXIBLE! This is a new process and we will learn as we go.

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March 19, 2020

Given the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, our leadership team at Redemption Church has made the decision to move our weekend gatherings online this Sunday.

Your health, safety and protection are our priority.

Fortunately, while we are practicing physical distancing, we won’t have to practice spiritual distancing.

You are invited to join us online on FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE as we stream our worship gathering online every Sunday at 11:30 AM.

While the MISSION of the church is ETERNAL.

The METHODS we use are FLEXIBLE.

Over the next few weeks we will watch the situation closely and will do our best to walk by faith and be wise while Loving God, Loving People, and Making Disciples.

Times like these are opportunities to trust the Lord more deeply.

You are loved.  Abide in His love.

Grace ad Peace,

Pastor Adam