2023 Christmas Offering

At Redemption Church, we believe that we are blessed by God to be a blessing to others. This Christmas, we have the opportunity to bless a couple ministries that are doing great kingdom work! Your end-of-the-year offering will not only bless Redemption Church, but will also bless these other ministries.

Real Love Ministries:

Real Love Ministries is a great ministry in Haiti that has been serving orphans and widows. In this video, you will hear about the church, the orphanage, the medical clinics, and the ministry they have done over the years. One of the things we love about Real Love Ministries is how they are always looking for different ways to serve the people around them.

Recently, due to the unrest and violence in Haiti, the team and children were forced to flee their facility with only what they could carry and relocate to a safe place in the mountains. Real Love Ministries is currently rebuilding, and could really use some help. Our Christmas offering will help them rebuild and have the supplies they need to continue to serve, grow, and increase their ministries.

Hope Church:

Hope Church is a Converge church in Michigan that is serving Arabic speaking people. They started as a Food Pantry ministry, and over the last nine years have seen God work in incredible ways. Hope Church has been a portable church, having moved to over eight different locations to handle the hundreds of men, women, and children attending their services and outreach events.  They have the opportunity to purchase a building that will allow them to have place to call home!

We know the blessing of other people and churches helping us get into our church home. We want to share this blessing with Hope Church. Hope is currently trying to raise $200,000 as a deposit on their new church home. Part of our Christmas Offering will be given to Hope Church to help with their deposit on the building.

Help Make A Difference:

We are asking you to prayerfully consider how you might help make a difference by participating in this year’s Christmas offering by making donation above and beyond your regular giving. Your generosity will make a difference and will help support what God is doing through these ministries.